Saturday, July 04, 2009

A Blessed Interdependence Day To Everyone

So, as Kevin's response indicates, this entry initially contained something completely different image-wise: Pat Benatar video-performing that amazing song, "We Belong to the Light," which fit with something Rich King said to me ("Happy In(ter)dependence Day"). The embedding was regrettably disabled.
I now give you this wondrous image kindly lent to me by my friend, Derek, of the Most Everybody Loves Their Lives blog. You can imagine how agreeably geeked it leaves me.
I hope everyone's had a redemptive-feeling weekend.


Holy Moly! said...

This commitment to the 80s is proving fruitful in ways I would not have expected.

Unrelated but of interest:

you can download a whole course taught by Cornel West, Serene Jones, and Gary Dorrien from iTunes U!

Brook said...

David, I'm sure you've seen this already, but I just saw it and thought it looked like something that might make you pee your pants a little: